LIVE WEBINAR: Using OVL for Assertion-Based Verification of Verilog and VHDL Designs (US)
Alexander Gnusin, Design Verification Technologist
Thursday, October 21, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Open Verification Library (OVL) is a library of property checkers for digital circuit descriptions written in popular Hardware Description Languages and maintained by Accelera. The OVL checkers could be used not only in dynamic simulation, but also in formal verification and emulation. Also, the OVL-based verification technology provides the easiest way for designers to implement assertion-based verification of their design. Finally, OVL supports any HDL language (Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL), enabling assertion-based verification with any simulation tools.
Presenter Bio:
Alexander Gnusin, Design Verification Technologist. Alex accumulated 25 years of hands-on experience in various aspects of ASIC and FPGA design and verification. His employees list includes IBM, Nortel, Ericsson and Synopsys Inc. As Verification Prime for a multi-million gates project, he combined various verification methods - LINT, Formal Property checking, dynamic simulation and hardware-assisted acceleration to efficiently achieve design verification goals. He received his M.S. in Electronics from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.