LIVE WEBINAR: How to Simplify the Verification of Bus Interfaces (US)
Alexander Gnusin, Design Verification Technologist
Thursday, December 2, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Today’s FPGAs and SoC FPGAs use various types of bus interconnect - such as AXI, APB, AHB, Avalon or Wishbone - for both internal (IP-level) and external communication. A recently added feature to Aldec’s ALINT-PRO allows designers to extract, review and verify the correctness of bus interface connections. In addition, ALINT-PRO is capable of automatically connecting bus protocol checkers and can monitor the current design to enable functional interconnect verification in simulation.
Webinar Duration:
Presenter Bio:
Alexander Gnusin, Design Verification Technologist. Alex accumulated 25 years of hands-on experience in various aspects of ASIC and FPGA design and verification. His employees list includes IBM, Nortel, Ericsson and Synopsys Inc. As Verification Prime for a multi-million gates project, he combined various verification methods - LINT, Formal Property checking, dynamic simulation and hardware-assisted acceleration to efficiently achieve design verification goals. He received his M.S. in Electronics from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.